Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I wrote this on Mother's Day this year


Hey People....

As the world celebrates this special day for mothers today, my thoughts wander to the millions of homeless children, who have never experienced the simple yet most dear pleasure of having a mom. I just think sometimes who cares if they eat or not, they sleep or not, who heals them with a gentle kiss on forehead or a hug??

I thought of buying a greeting card and some nice gift for her but now it seems so worthless to me. What on earth can be given to a mother as a gift??

She has made me beautiful. She has made me strong. She has made me learn what is right and what is wrong. She made me ME......all through my ups and downs, she struggled with me, she suffered along with me and she supported me when I tried to stand on my own.....

Today, I really feel that I am fortunate enough to have a mother, who is sitting thousands of miles away, still praying for my well-being. I am married now, but for her am still the same lil gal of hers who forgets to drink water, who doesn't take care of herself, who doesn't eat and sleep on time.....She still asks dozens of time about my health, about lots of other things which for me are of least importance.

She is someone I can talk endlessly to and confide in with an unspoken assurance. I can fight with her and can cry in her lap for hours. She knows when I need a hug and when I need an appreciation. She knows exactly when am gonna fall sick...and I just keep wondering HOW??? How on earth does she get to know all this??

I am not only thankful to my mother for everything, but also to my lucky stars that I have a Mother.

Happy Mother's Day!

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